How to detect anomalies thanks to Nexo?

Grzegorz Michalski

From previous articles, you already know Nexo’s capabilities in managing smart devices. A consistent user interface for devices from different manufacturers, an extensive mechanism for preparing schedules, and access to collected data in a transparent form are essential attributes of Nexo. There are many more of them – you will find out what else Nexo has to offer in the following publications we are preparing for you.

Data from multiple devices in one place

We have already written that Nexo collects many vital parameters of devices’ operation. In the case of thermostatic heads, these are, among others: ambient temperature, temperature setting, and opening coefficient of the thermostatic valve. We can thoroughly analyze the temperature maintained in individual rooms based on the collected data. Thanks to this, it will be possible to divide heating costs in the future. In addition, an operator with access to all readings from a given building can detect anomalies in the system in real-time.

Anomaly detection – what does it mean exactly?

Imagine a situation where the thermostatic valve is fully open, but the room temperature drops rapidly, as the current reading shows. Maybe someone opened the window but did not turn down the thermostat, which contradicts the idea of ​​​​saving energy. Perhaps the user of the premises is not aware that it significantly increases the bills for thermal energy because heat escapes through the open window. You can try to talk to the inhabitants/users to explain that they are wasting energy and money in this way.

Another case in ​​anomaly detection is the ability to respond quickly to potential failures. For example, the set temperature in the room is definitely higher than the one read by the temperature sensor while the thermostatic valve is closed. In this situation, there is a high probability that the valve has been damaged and should be repaired/replaced.
The opposite case is also possible: the temperature read by the sensor is higher than the one set on the thermostatic head, but the valve is still fully open. As in the first case, the valve has failed and needs to be replaced/repaired.
In the first case, the resident will likely report that the apartment is cold. In the second, the operator will probably get a message that it is too hot. Why probably? Because there is definitely less chance for such feedback when thermal comfort is ensured. If it is too warm, the window will likely be opened to ventilate the apartment. The second of the described situations can significantly increase heating costs.

And what if the temperature read in the room is lower than the one set on the thermostatic head, and simultaneously, the thermostatic valve is open? If no increase in the temperature read in the room has been observed in the selected period, it may mean that the radiator is aerated.

Implementing such scenarios may allow for the quick detection of anomalies in the system and their removal. The costs of potential failures will be significantly lower thanks to quick actions, so the residents’ satisfaction level will increase. The data collected by Nexo allows you to carry out the above analyzes (as well as to automate many processes).